Category: Weekly Bulletin

In the early 1980s, I was preaching in southeastern California in the desert town of Indio, where the summer heat often hits 115% (and higher). The air conditioner was frequently overtaxed. On one hot day, when the unit failed completely, the temperature in the meeting house reminded us why we didn’t want to go to hell. Right before I got up to preach, Jim Burruss led the song - I think it was an unintentional coincidence - "In the desert of sorrow and sin… I thirst, let me drink..."

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Tough Questions About the Bible
(November 2-5, 2023)

You have questions about the Bible, but when was the last time you looked for the answers?

Join us November 2-5 for answers to some of the Bible’s toughest questions! More info can be found here.

santa clara church of Christ